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Showing posts from February, 2018

Tuesday, June 5: Antalya and Perga

We look forward to sharing a memorable journey this summer retracing the missionary journeys of Paul.  We will walk the very roads upon which he walked.  We will see the very landscape and buildings that he saw.  We will encounter the same Lord Jesus Christ whose love compelled his service. Paul grew up in Tarsus in Cilicia, just over 300 miles east of Antalya, where we will begin our journey.  His Hebrew name was Saul.  He was a Diaspora Jew from a devout family and knew Greek as his native language.  He was also born a Roman citizen, a special privilege bestowed upon his family probably for service in Pompey’s campaigns.  He learned the Scriptures of Israel in Jerusalem at the feet of Gamliel, one of the leading sages of the first century.  He was zealous for his ancestral traditions and became a member of the Pharisees (Gal 1:14).  His zeal for God led him to travel as far as Damascus in order to arrest the early followers of Christ....

Sunday, June 3 and Monday, June 4: Depart from Boston, Arrive in Istanbul

Photo by  Derek Thomson  on  Unsplash We'll meet as a group for departure from Boston's Logan International Airport. The non-stop direct flight to Istanbul will be approximately 10 1/2 hours, leaving the night of June 3 and arriving in Istanbul in the late afternoon of June 4. After a short layover in Istanbul, we will depart for Antalya, where we will spend an overnight and our first full day on the tour. The country of Turkey will be 7 hours ahead at the time of our departure in June because the country stays permanently on Turkey Time (TRT) . -Rhonda Gibson, Director of Alumni Services